Quark’s twtxt feed

Feel free to follow, and interact!

Ugh! Not @david, but this one. I am going nuts. Well, I am nuts!

Yes, error on my side. All of the sudden jenny refused to show me my own posts. Had to recreate mailbox (got rid of cache too) to make it work.

@movq I think it was user error. Testing again.

Testing … (yeah!)

@bender (secret received!).

End of year holidays are a mix of sadness and happiness for me. I can’t help but remembering those who are gone, with which I spent so many good times. A part of me wants to feel happy, and celebrate another completed round around the Sun, while the other feels sad because of those I will never see again.

@<@chyrp.doesnm.cc https://chyrp.doesnm.cc/twtxt.txt> this is broken in jenny too, I figure. No nick breaks things.

@doesnm up to you. I have mine to rotate at 1,000 twtxts. I have vomited over 400, so far. I have some way to go till rotation. :-D

I realise now that the referred post might just be fiction. I am slow Ferengi these days. LOL.

@wbknl are you still in Russia? It could be hard mailing anything to there these days. I read your “russia is eternally cold”, and became curious. Patagonia is the only place I know on South America that it has rounded mountains, though they can be anywhere. Originally from Chile, or Argentina? My curiosity doesn’t need feeding, by the way. It’s all good if it doesn’t. :-)

This morning (and a little bit of the afternoon) the idea of having a full referenced archive of twtxts on the web has consumed me a bit. I am talking about something similar to the email archives one see online, but for twtxts, and a more personal level. Such archive would be available, even if the involved feeds are long gone, because feeds will be treated as received emails.

@aelaraji just make sure to howl, two or three times! 😂

@prologic woot, awesome! I am using ux2028 twice in my description. May lower it to once, but need some reference first. 😅

So, @prologic, Yarn isn’t rendering the metadata as described on the format documentation. That is, ux2028 is ignored when Yarn renders the description metadata.

I wonder how long does Yarn caches a description header. Or rather, how often it re-fetches it.

@xuu done, and done, and done. The three of us dropped our mail-in ballots, and received confirmation they are counted. Living in a red state (well, kid said it is more like purple now) makes me sad, and mad, but I have done what I can—and that includes explaining things to others, and encouraging them to vote.

Three days from today, towards the end of the day, we in the US will have an idea of who the nation’s presiding person will be for the next four years. In the 32 years I have lived here, I have never been more worried about an election outcome.

@movq LOL, you are late! :-P Stores around started selling Christmas’s decorations early September. Like, wow! Usually the earliest is after Halloween, more often after Thanksgiving.

@movq interesting! So, what would the fix be, in this case, do you know? Aware of this, @prologic?

@movq, having an issue fetching a twtxt context. I am getting:

Trying to fetch "#mowsvgq" from Yarn pod https://txt.sour.is ...
Trying to fetch "#mowsvgq" from Yarn pod https://twtxt.net ...
Twt could not be found

Yet, the twtxt is there: https://twtxt.net/twt/mowsvgq. Bug, or something else?


42 75 69 6C 64 20 77 68 61 74 20 6D 61 6B 65 73 20 79 6F 75 20 68 61 70 70 79 2E 20 4C 65 74 20 6D 69 73 65 72 61 62 6C 65 20 70 65 6F 70 6C 65 20 62 75 69 6C 64 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 73 74 2E

@aelaraji ooooh! It’s that kind mission! /me stands, salutes, turns around, and exits the room. LOL.

@aelaraji why, having a party with lots of libations? LOL.

@sorenpeter hmm, how does your client handles “a little editing”? I am sure threads would break just as well. 😉

@prologic, there is a parser bug on parent. Specifically on this portion:

"*If twtxt/Yarn was to grow bigger, then this would become a concern again. *But even Mastodon allows editing*, so how
+much of a problem can it really be? 😅*"

@movq going a little sideways on this, “If twtxt/Yarn was to grow bigger, then this would become a concern again. But even Mastodon allows editing, so how much of a problem can it really be? 😅”, wouldn’t it preparing for a potential (even if very, very, veeeeery remote) growth be a good thing? Mastodon signs all messages, keeps a history of edits, and it doesn’t break threads. It isn’t a problem there.😉 It is here.

I think keeping hashes is a must. If anything for that “feels good” feeling.

Hey, @movq, a tiny thing to add to jenny, a -v switch. That way when you twtxt “That’s an older format that was used before jenny version v23.04”, I can go and run jenny -v, and “duh!” myself on the way to a git pull. :-D

@movq ooooh, nice! commit 62a2b7735749f2ff3c9306dd984ad28f853595c5:

Crawl archived feeds in –fetch-context

Like, very much! :-)

@movq to paraphrase US Presidents speech on each State of the Union, “the State of the Jenny is strong!” :-D As for the potential upcoming changes, there has to be a knowledgeable head honcho that will agglomerate and coalesce, and guide onto the direction that will be taken. All that with the strong input from the developers that will be implementing the changes, and a lesser (but not less valuable) input from users.

@lyse I call upon the services of the @yarn_police to further investigate this oddness!

@falsifianI don’t really mind if the twt gets edited before I even fetch it.”, right, that’s never the problem. Editing a twtxt before anyone fetches it isn’t even editing, right? :-P The problem we are trying to fix is the havoc is causes editing twtxts that have already been replied to, often ad nauseam. That’s the real problem.

@lyse now, how am I not surprised at that reply?! Hahahahaha!

@falsifian that would be problematic to do on a fully decentralised system. I am not disagreeing, though. That’s the reason I have stopped editing twtxts. I strive to own mistakes, as minor as they might be. Now, if trail editing can be accomplished, I am all for it!

@falsifian what would the difference be between an edit the changes everything on the original twtxt, and a delete?

@aelaraji odd, I ran it under Ubuntu 24.04, and got the same result as @prologic (which is on macOS), zq4fgq.

@prologic I just realised the jenny also does what I want, as of latest commit. Simply use jenny --debug-feed <feed url>, and it will do what I wanted too!

@movq alright, fair, and interesting. I was expecting them to be all the same (format wise), but it doesn’t matter, for sure, as it works just fine. Thanks!

I have noticed that twtxt timestamps differ. For example:

  • @prologic (and I assume any Yarn user)

  • @lyse

  • @aelaraji (and @movq, and me)

    So, which is right, or best?

I came across this Gallery Theme for Hugo, and @lyse immediately came to mind. I think it would be a very fitting theme to use for all your photos, Lyse!

@prologic the real conclusion is, is it going to change, to what, and when? :-P

@prologic yes, that would work, except there is no debug command on my local yarnc. Are you talking about a potential future implementation here?

@prologic I saw those, yes. I tried using yarnc, and it would work for a simple twtxt. Now, for a more convoluted one it truly becomes a nightmare using that tool for the job. I know there are talks about changing this hash, so this might be a moot point right now, but it would be nice to have a tool that:

  1. Would calculate the hash of a twtxt in a file.
  2. Would calculate all hashes on a twtxt.txt (local and remote).

Again, something lovely to have after any looming changes occur.

@aelaraji Woah! Overkill, but nicely laid out. Hey, the ultimate goal is for it to work, so, mission accomplished! :-)

Could someone knowledgable reply with the steps a grandpa will take to calculate the hash of a twtxt from the CLI, using out-of-the-box tools? I swear I read about it somewhere, but can’t find it.

This might be quite unpopular, but I truly dislike Wordle. The reason isn’t rooted on any psychological issue, it is much, much more simple: people share their Wordle result(s)—I figure they feel good about themselves—and for me it is only uneven, unaligned, wasteful noise. I don’t even want to show you an example, but I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Thank gods those posting their hideous squares have finally quieted down. LOL.

Testing the new custom template option. Got to modify it more, but baby steps.

@prologic woot! Fast! I think you need to change your nick to “fastlogic” instead. :-D

Thank you for adding the feature so fast, @prologic! Look at how beautiful this one renders now. Oh my!

@prologic sorry but nope. Neither jenny, nor yarnd supports it at all. This was treated as a thread because I picked one of @falsifian’s twtxts (with the “old subject”), and replied to it (hence starting the thread).

Oh, and you can’t imagine the level of control I am commandeering by restraining me from editing that previous “missing-one-backtick” twtxt. LOL!

@aelaraji this is the little script I am using on my publish_command:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

twtxt2html -t "Quark's twtxt feed" /var/www/sites/ferengi.one/twtxt.txt > /var/www/sites/ferengi.one/index.html

I named it twtxtit. :-)

@prologic based on @falsifian’s findings, I don’t believe this is quite accurate.

“yarnd (_at least_) doesn't support creating such a custom TwtSubject, but it will reply and respect and thread one if one was constructed."

@falsifian yes, that happened around 2 years ago, on commit 5923078ea5.

Make that three issues. Mostly because the other two were feeling kind of lonely. So, yeah. Ha!

Opened a couple of issues on twtxt2html. Maybe @prologic will get to them after he has completed his luxurious recharging cycle. LOL.

@lyse fully agree. I have never been a fan of relative times to begin with, so that one will go away, foh sho! :-D

@falsifian based on Twt Subject Extension, your subject is invalid. You can have custom subjects, that is, not a valid hash, but you simply can’t put anything, and expect it to be treated as a TwtSubject, me thinks.

@prologic I have some ideas:

  • Add smartypants rendering, just like Yarn has.
  • Add the ability to create individual twtxts, each named after their hash.
  • Fix the formatting of the help. :-P

Woot, yes! It works perfectly. By the time you see my twtxt, it is already at the main Ferengi.one website.

OK, OK, the third time is the charm. Maybe?

Hmm, this didn’t work, because I made a mistake. Now I have corrected it, let’s see how it goes now.

Trying to figure out how to use the publish_command to vomit the HTML into a file, using twtxt2html.

@bender that’s not your change, silly robot, it is mine! LOL. I am finding @prologic’s tool handy to refer to previous posts (as reference, for example).

@movq I didn’t run the command as you recommended, but, I wiped things once more, and ran jenny -f, and this time got:

david@arrakis:~$ jenny -f
Fetching archived feed https://anthony.buc.ci/user/abucci/twtxt.txt/1 (configured as abucci, https://anthony.buc.ci/user/abucci/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2024-04.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://darch.dk/twtxt-archive.txt (configured as soren, https://darch.dk/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2024-04-21_6v47cua.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt/1 (configured as prologic, https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2024-03.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2022-12-21_2us6qbq.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt/2 (configured as prologic, https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2024-02.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2022-01-14_ew5gzca.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt/3 (configured as prologic, https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2024-01.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-12-23_f6y65bq.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt/4 (configured as prologic, https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-12.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-12-04_e4x7yba.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt/5 (configured as prologic, https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-11.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-11-18_42tjxba.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt/6 (configured as prologic, https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-10.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-11-08_i2wnvaa.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-09.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-10-23_kvwn5oa.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-08.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-10-11_mljudaa.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-07.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-09-22_5mkqwua.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-06.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-07-27_xcnzmlq.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-05.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-06-16_mtedqya.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-04.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-04-29_z7lvzja.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-03.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-03-19_xjabvhq.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-02.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-02-24_te4a6oa.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2023-01.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2021-01-26_qxgigma.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-12.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt-old_2020-12-13_igfnala.txt (configured as movq, https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-11.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-10.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-09.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-08.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-07.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-06.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-05.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-04.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-03.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-02.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2022-01.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-12.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-11.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-10.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-09.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-08.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-07.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-06.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-05.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-04.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-03.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-02.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2021-01.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)
Fetching archived feed https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt-2020-12.txt (configured as lyse, https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt)

Notice that @prologic’s /6 is there. I found the twtxt then. Kind of odd it didn’t show before.

@movq I did the same. jenny fetches archives, yes, but that twtxt I am referring about is no longer. If you fetch it, but I don’t, there is certainly something going on…

@movq I did started from scratch, today. I using am commit 6e8ce5afdabd5eac22eae4275407b3bd2a167daf (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD), I keep myself up-to-date, LOL. Still, that specific twtxt (o6dsrga) is no longer.

After re-fetching feeds, the earliest twtxt I have from you is n7gavoa.

@prologic, your first twtxt ever was o6dsrga, but I can’t find the source for it (the raw file). I reset everything, and re-fetched fresh feeds (allegedly including archives). Where is it?

@movq I figured it will be something like this, yet, you were able to reply just fine, and I wasn’t. Looking at your twtxt.txt I see this line:

2024-09-16T17:37:14+00:00	(#o6dsrga) @<prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt>

@<quark https://ferengi.one/twtxt.txt> This is what I get. 🤔

Which is using the right hash. Mine, on the other hand, when I replied to the original, old style message (Message-Id: <o6dsrga>), looks like this:

2024-09-16T16:42:27+00:00	(#o) @<prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt> this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P

What did you do to make yours work? I simply went to the oldest @prologic’s entry on my Maildir, and replied to it (jenny set the reply-to hash to #o, even though the Message-Id is o6dsrga). Since jenny can’t fetch archived twtxts, how could I go to re-fetch everything? And, most importantly, would re-fetching fix the Message-Id:?

This is how my original message shows up on jenny:

From: quark <quark>
Subject: (#o) @prologic this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:42:27 -0400
Message-Id: <k7imvia@twtxt>
X-twtxt-feed-url: https://ferengi.one/twtxt.txt

(#o) @<prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt> this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P

Hmm… I replied to this message:

From: prologic <prologic>
Subject: Hello World! 😊
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 08:39:52 -0400
Message-Id: <o6dsrga>
X-twtxt-feed-url: https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt

Hello World! 😊

And see how the hash shows… Is it because that hash isn’t longer used?

@prologic this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P

@movq we can shorten it by six characters, with (r:https://...). 😅

@prologic I am going to light some candles this weekend to “La Virgen de Macarena” to make it happen! :-D

@prologic you need to catch up with my twtxts, mate. :-P

@aelaraji grats! See how much trouble an edited twtxt can cause? Wish there was a simpler solution. Alas, I don’t have much hope.

@movq I can have more than one Yarn, correct? Like:

"yarn_pods_for_discovery": ["https://twtxt.net", "https://txt.sour.is"],

@aelaraji make sense, probably. The twtxt was already on my Maildir, that’s why I can fetch it. I fetch every 3 minutes (sssh, don’t tell anyone!). LOL!

@aelaraji check “Replies”. :-D


Subject: The [tag URI scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_URI_scheme) looks interesting. I like that it human read- and writable. And since we already got the timestamp in the twtxt.txt it would be
        somewhat trivial to parse. But there are still the issue with what the name/id should be... Maybe it doesn't have to bee that stick? Instead of using `tag:` as the prefix/protocol, it would more it clear
        what we are talking about by using `in-reply-to:` (https://indieweb.org/in-reply-to) or `replyto:` similar to `mailto:` 1. `(reply:sorenpeter@darch.dk,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)' 2.
        `(in-reply-to:darch.dk/twtxt.txt,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)' 2. `(replyto:http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)' I know it's longer that 7-11 characters, but it's self-explaining when looking at the
        twtxt.txt in the raw, and the cases above can all be caught with this regex: `\([\w-]*reply[\w-]*\:` Is this something that would work?
Subject: The [tag URI scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_URI_scheme) looks interesting. I like that it human read- and writable. And since we already got the timestamp in the twtxt.txt it would be
        somewhat trivial to parse. But there are still the issue with what the name/id should be... Maybe it doesn't have to bee that stick? Instead of using `tag:` as the prefix/protocol, it would more it clear
        what we are talking about by using `in-reply-to:` (https://indieweb.org/in-reply-to) or `replyto:` similar to `mailto:` 1. `(reply:sorenpeter@darch.dk,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)` 2.
        `(in-reply-to:darch.dk/twtxt.txt,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)` 3. `(replyto:http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)` I know it's longer that 7-11 characters, but it's self-explaining when looking at the
        twtxt.txt in the raw, and the cases above can all be caught with this regex: `\([\w-]*reply[\w-]*\:` Is this something that would work?

Notice the difference? Soren edited, and broke everything.

Two different “from” too:

"sorenpeter (soren)" <sorenpeter>
sorenpeter <sorenpeter>


Message-Id: <hns535a@twtxt>
X-twtxt-feed-url: https://darch.dk/twtxt.txt
In-Reply-To: <pvju5cq@twtxt>


Message-Id: <weadxga@twtxt>
X-twtxt-feed-url: http://darch.dk/twtxt.txt
In-Reply-To: <pvju5cq@twtxt>

Two feed URLs, one HTTPS, the other HTTP.

@aelaraji no, it is not just you. Do fetch the parent with jenny, and you will see there are two messages with different hash. Soren did something funky, for sure.

@aelaraji hmm, I see all of your twtxts just fine. Now, that’s a puzzle!

@prologic excellent, thanks!

@jmjl howdy! Sorry for mistaken you with https://blog.nfld.uk/ (jlj), but glad to connect. Cheers!

One can tell the weekend is fast approaching, as things around these parts tend to slow down then. Cheers everyone! :-)

@lyse 31°C here, feels like 33°C, with a lovely 75% of humidity. It has been raining, on and off (to make matter “better”) the whole day until now. No horses here, but if you go outside you will smell the same smell of farm animals (like goats, or pigs). That’s because two or three kilometres from here there are private farms, and when the wind blows in such way, well, we are reminded of their existence.

I haven’t left the house, so it feels well under air conditioning. In two more hours I will call it quits from the work day, and will have to dash to the grocery to get supplies for tonight’s meal (arroz con gandules). I will let you know how it truly feels out there then. :-D

For those swollen fingers, nothing better than a mildly cold shower! Oh, and paws off the keyboard! :-P

@abucci well, those are top ten “twtxtrs” (as in, how many twtxts they have produced). @prologic sure is a conversational fellow. :-D

@movq ha! Here are my top 10:

24056 "prologic"
5103 "lyse"
3932 "movq"
1984 "abucci"
1876 "adi"
1633 "fastidious"
1551 "jlj"
1455 "mckinley"
1413 "offgridliving
1280 "eaplmx"

Some of those I no longer follow, or do not exist, but their wisdom remains. LOL.

@movq good idea, considering it might occasionally not work at all (because of edited twtxts).

@dbucklin very nice, thank you for sharing! I like that kind of retailers too, so those are on my list now. 🙂

@abucci OMFG! Dear jebus, look at the size of that! :-/ It is just a matter of time until one of those randomly falls on any of us. Just incredible!

Further thinking on it, this might not be possible at all.

Does anyone knows how to clear sign a file with an SSH key? Clear sign, not a detached signature.

@movq LOL, well, great things come out of that worry, I can tell that much. Keep being you! :-)

@movq I think you are worrying about a non-issue. I see nothing to do on your example twt, because there is no context. Furthermore, if I wanted to follow the feed, everything I need is already on that twt example. :-)

@mckinley agevault uses age, allegedly very secure (aiming to replace pgp/gpg). Comparing it with gocryptfs, from the user perspective, agevault seems simpler, though CLI exclusive. As the repository states, “Like age, it features no config options, allowing for a straightforward secure flow”. It would also run in all major OS platforms out of the box.

But agevault is also very new. Though age has been around for a while now, I don’t see an “audited” link (neither on agevault, nor age).

This tool, using age is pretty neat: https://github.com/ndavd/agevault. So simple, yet seemingly powerful!

@abucci their main question is worrisome:

“The main question is, does it disappear during this re-entry?” says Löhle. “Is everything evaporating, or are there pieces that eventually impact on the ground?”

He expects some parts, such as the satellite’s fuel tanks, to survive. “You could learn from the re-entry that if you build a fuel tank differently, it can break up,” he says.

Archived article at: https://archive.ph/WdUvx

@aelaraji so lovely, ain’t it? A simple keystroke, and your “mystery” is solved. :-)

@aelaraji hehehehe. Enjoy, but careful with sugary stuff! :-)

@prologic what made you make such “financially sound” recommendation? Have you switched jobs, and are now a Financial Advisor? :-P

@movq wow! We are “lucky” today, only 27°C here, 87% humidity, overcast, and raining sporadically. Thanks to the rain our temperatures aren’t high, but muggy nevertheless. I am ready for our winter too, you know, that whole week. LOL.

@movq pretty cool! Switched, and pulled. Nice update on README!

@falsifian have you tried jenny’s fetch-context branch? It works great!

@bender yup, this works well. I needed those extra settings.

@movq I think I have got it, but need to test upon receiving further posts. I added:

set uncollapse_new     = yes  # open threads when new mail
set uncollapse_jump    = yes  # jump to unread message when uncollapse
set collapse_unread    = no   # don't collapse threads with unread mails

Let’s see how it goes.

Maybe the @yarn_police can take this case, and shed some light.

I wonder what ever happened to “jlj”. All about him pretty much disappeared from the net.

Collapsed threads, that is. If I un-collapse a thread, new/unread messages show on the intended new colour, but while the thread is in collapsed state, there is no highlight.

@bender, cool, so I can join the threads, but your edit to the original will never show at my end. Will have @bender show the screenshot.

@bender, let’s break it!

For the mutt/neomutt users out here, what’s the trick to highlight threads with new messages? No user interaction, just upon opening, or while opened, have threads with new, unread messages in it highlighted. Thanks!

@lyse in Australia, take everything you have learned, and do the opposite. After all, it is the land down under! :-D

@aelaraji didn’t know there was a place to fix them; in here we toss them. Wish it was cheap to ship stuff. I have a couple of decent monitors in the garage that will soon take a trip to the curve…

@lyse ugh, how come didn’t this occurred to me…! Oh well, I am good now, but noted. Thanks!

@prologic salt’em to keep them viable longer. Salt’em! :-D

@yarn_police yay! Law and order on the watch!

@movq Yeah, haven’t seeing the @yarn_police for a while. I often wonder if we are, finally, crime free. :-D

@movq woot! Yes! Perfect now. Hitting reply opens it with insert, and prompt at the end of the first line. Just as I wanted it. Thank you much!

@lyse welcome! :-) I am doing my best to get more acquaintance with vi/vim. I think nano has spoiled me too much. LOL.

@movq hmm, I am already using au BufNewFile,BufRead jenny-posting.eml setl completefunc=jenny#CompleteMentions fo-=t wrap, from jenny. How would I go to incorporate that there?

@lyse “good, good, and fascinating indeed” – says Quark, all while eating an overflowing toast with butter, and blackberry jam. :-D

@aelaraji power outages happen here almost every single time strong storms pass by, I know the feeling mate. It truly sucks.

@movq hmm, I guess I could do that too. I have startinsert set on my .vimrc, so I will either have to take it out, or exit insert, $, then insert again. I think the way you do it would be the way to go.

I tried setting VISUAL to be something like vim -c 'star!', which does the same thing, but no dice. :-/

@movq, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny’s configuration:

"editor": "vim \"+normal $\"",

But that doesn’t work. How would you go about it?

@prologic sounds fair. Let’s see how it works for @abucci. Speedy fix, that’s awesome! :-)

User error on this one. It works perfectly!

Never mind, I simply searched and deleted them all (D then ~f sender). :-) Phew!

@movq is there a way to purge twtxts from a feed I no longer follow?

@movq, using the branch on topic right now, it works perfect. The only thing I found was that I had to quit neomutt, and re-open, to see the perfect thread. Other than that, I love it!

@bender hmm, I wonder if these are simply twtxts auto created from an ActivityPub feed. Ah, crap, they are. LOL.

@movq confirming that the issue isn’t present when using alacrity. Wow.

@falsifian the reason behind his sporadic disappearances is that he runs things from a Raspberry Pi, at home, I believe. That impacts reliability, I figure.

@movq my fault! Err, I meant to say, @bender’s! LOL.

@lyse ah, if only you were to finally clean up that code, and make that client widely available…! One can only dream, right? :-)

@lyse I mean, dinosaurs “evolved” by getting wiped, right? :-D

@movq you said you liked seeing the hash (which is a fair choice!). All I am asking is for a reconsideration as a user configurable feature. ;-) It looks redundant, in my opinion.

@bender it sure breaks the index formatting.

@aelaraji, this one, @movq, is slightly breaking my neomutt index. Will post screenshot from @bender’s account.

@movq, that would be a nice addition. :-) I would also love the ability to hide/not show the hash when reading twtxts (after all, that’s on the header on each “email”). Could that be added as a user configurable toggle?

@mckinley I have a custom .tmux.conf that makes it very easy to use the multiplexer, but I agree, Zellij seems pretty robust, and intuitive. I like it! Tried compiling it, as with everything Rust, it failed miserably. Good thing there is a binary release I could download to try!

@sorenpeter a poem about me giving Odo a free bucket:

A glint in his eye, a sly, Ferengi grin,
Quark crossed the promenade, a curious thing within.
No jeweled trinket, no weapon so grand,
But a simple pail held tight in his hand.

Odo, the Constable, with a brow raised high,
“A bucket, Quark? What trickery do you try?”
The Ferengi huckster, with a salesman’s flair,
“A gift, my friend, a constable’s rare!”

“For those late-night spills, a morphing mishap,
This bucket, dear Odo, will catch every scrap.
And should a suspect turn to goop and flee,
This pail’s the answer, a guarantor, you see!”

Odo’s lips twitched, a hint of a smile,
At Quark’s twisted logic, his mercantile style.
“Perhaps,” he conceded, the bucket held tight,
“A useful addition, in the pursuit of right.”

So Quark made his sale, with a wink and a nod,
A bucket for Odo, a Ferengi oddity, odd.
But on Deep Space Nine, where chaos takes hold,
Even a pail can be worth more than gold.

About the account, thanks, but I already have way too many. :-D

@bender ha! He goes his “poem”:

A string of letters, a forgotten name,
An email crafted, a message to claim.
We hit send with a click, a hopeful sigh,
But a bounce-back arrives, a tear in our eye.

“Delivery failed,” the message reads cold,
The address it seems, is a story untold.
A ghost in the system, a memory’s trace,
Lost in the void of cyberspace.


@mckinley, in your blog, I think a “line-heigh” of 1.5 (if I remember correctly you are setting it on the “body” on CSS) will make it more legible.

@johanbove dear lord! Can you still sleep at night?!

@xuu wow, I can tell I am older than you (I already knew this, but still). It was nothing but Pascal for me.

If Canonical really want to entice the enterprise to buy support, they really need to step up. As of now they are not even close to offer the quality of support Red Hat offers. Not even close.

and by me, I meant Bender. LOL.

@mckinley weird you mentioned my with the anthony.buc.ci account. I am assuming these kind of bugs were never addressed by @prologic. :-(

@movq, do you have an example of conf.json in which I can see all the configuration possibilities? Thanks!

@prologic aha, a hater! Just the kind I was looking for some serious business that requires some fervent hating. Pay is good, you up to? :-D :-P

@prologic boo, boo, boooooo! :-D :-P

@prologic I think I spoke too soon. Got it running at https://arrakis.netbros.com/, for now. 😂

It seems like https://proxy.vulpes.one/ runs a code that once was written by @prologic. Its rendering looks quite nice. Sadly, I am unable to compile it (modified code at https://git.vulpes.one/gopherproxy/).

@lyse nice sunset is an understatement. I can feel the coolness approaching!

@lyse, fixed. 🙈

@lyse, hey, thank you! :-) Yeah, I am abusing the headers on ferengi.one, sorry about that. Will change it. You know, because Lyse.

@prologic, search for “quark” and you will get quack, quart, quirk, and all possible iterations. Not too helpful.

@movq, well, yes, that has always been the case. Not just on jenny, but on Yarn. I can’t follow everything, and everyone. To see whether is a reply, a simple h on mutt shows the headers, and there you have it. That is not too convoluted, is it? I mean, if you really want to know–but why?–it is a simple key press. If I don’t see a context on something as obvious as the example you used, it is simply a reply to someone I don’t follow, and pretty much ignore. End of story. 😂

@prologic, business is slow (I also just got off that hyoo-män illness that is going around named COVID), so that leaves me some free time on my entrepreneurial hands. 😂 I have always lurked every couple of weeks or so. I see yarn has regressed on the UI! 😬😩

@movq, any plans still to clean up the hash from the twtxt’s body? Maybe a Festivus gift? You know, “for the rest of us”. :-D


Took a flu medicine last night, and it knocked me down around 22:00. Woke up at 04:00, then slept till 06:30. All has been seemingly fine, not feeling sleepy, and mostly alert… until now. I am having a really hard time keeping my eyes open. 😬

@prologic, who calls me name when I am busy profiting? 😂 In a less serious note—because nothing is more serious than making profit, of course—yes, it seems your avatar issue has been fixed. I am kind of sad, I looked forward each day to see which random one was going to show. LOL.

@benk I am using jenny (we chatted a bit on IRC earlier today). I have been using it for over five months now, I think. It is truly a joy to use, specially because you can use the power of Mutt/NeoMutt to read your twts.

@prologic you be the man! I can’t remember the last time something gave as much troubles as this. The mention and the way to handle images are two things that have stuck in my head. Hopefully this is the last time there is an issue with this one! 🤞🏻

@movq was the request to remove the hash (subject) from showing on twts discarded? I don’t see it on the TODO, so I am curious. Was it something you decided was not worth investing time on?

@prologic let us take the path of less resistance, that is, less effort, for now. I am going to be a great-grandfather before search ever get implemented locally, least one to search on “all pods”. In other words, let us don’t bite more than we can chew. 😹 Neep-gren!

@prologic I fully agree with making it a pod-level setting (forget about user-level, let us not complicate things too much; we all know users know nothing). Should I send a latinum over for this, or will an issue just suffice? Neep-gren!

@prologic I am seeing a problem in which not-so-active users, such as myself, are ending up having a blank “Recent twts from…” under their profiles because, I assume, the cache long expired. What can be done about it? Business personalities such as myself can’t be around here that often! Could something be implemented so that, say, the last 10 or 20 twts are always visible under one’s profile? Neep-gren!

@fastidious, I am sure profit—or the search for it—was involved. Most likely that pilot was a Ferengi in disguise. We are known to visit lesser planets seeking to exploit. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Hoping my fellow Ferengi fares well or, at the very least, lets me know where his Latinum is.

@stackeffect I’d say you are future ready! 😂

An ageing rose cries. My first graphical media twt!

Old rose cries

@lyse one of those tadpoles will one day be a beautiful, succulent, frog. “Hmmm, froooog…” (with Homer Simpson accent).

@lyse I thought it was just me. I drives me nuts to try reading on that page. I guess I am no longer capable to look at old CRT monitors without side effects.

@lyse more often than not, it is! I mean, I try to go over the changes, but soon find myself in a web (not pun!), all entangled. Then say, “screw it!” and to the bin it goes. 🥴

I think they were addressed till certain extend. I will check them out, and close as appropriate.

@lyse that’s as good as it gets for Winter here. I mean, leaves will fall, but that’s about it.


@movq, is removing the hash from the body of the twt on the TODO? I read it, but I am unsure if it is there already, or not. 🙈 Sorry if it is, and I failed to spot it!

Super awesome! Running the latest now.

@movq woot! I am back on my Ferengi business!

I replied to the issue.

Getting this when trying to use it:

error executing template timeline: template: timeline:131:43: executing "twt" at <formatForDateTime>: wrong number of args for formatForDateTime: want 2 got 1

Cool! Will give it a try tonight. Thanks for all the work.

@movq love having fresh changes coming down with a git pull with my tea in the morning. Thank you much!

Yup, hmmm indeed! 🤔


I think something has caused my feed to be in a bad state and is now unpardable😥

I can read this on jenny, but the twt isn’t making it to my own pod. Something has gone really wrong, me thinks.


I hit RETURN after the subject, and nick […]

I shows fine on jenny. Let’s see how Yarn renders mine above.

@fastidious will reply to this twt, quoting something in it. I will do that same afterwards on his reply.

Not to boast, but jenny has never failed me 😂. It is so neat, powerful, and streamlined, not even funny! Thank you very much, @movq for it! 💛

I see it, but can you see my reply? Let’s find out!

Updated. Will it be possible for the subject be moved at the begining instead (like Yarn and tt do)?

Awesome! Hope he will reply as fast as he did with me. And yes about the noise and length. Not an issue on jenny, or my own pod (I have it set to 2048, I think), but yes, ephemeral is right.

BEGIN SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE. kiNJamlTJ29ZvW4 RHAOg9hm6h0OwKt iMGN9pY3oc5peJE UcRA8ysyQ7e8co9 shMfScCFgmQgU5Q 6w6XD2FT6szO1i1 N8qWqFRwJcHliqp hlaSvsTNhuwe1Fs KESywjL8ZvxNeyb ro0RVcRIip4Itpv NKvFZ822RoDR6pb hVvSqgubr3IanFT 6VAGQe2mYvErE7i G0O284HNvj0tcbC qzY0uB3ZFePu2fp l8nHOeEm9QLkH4Y PNKY2bXjqtblDGq 7pNiNHXtNJDjrpG nUoEXK9CaB6DGe7 oaF1P9sTz7fFrUo qwIgzw4Z1yqULQW 6dcFgsGwQEMc6bV mXuJHkrDWbfw35o 2Lpevp4PAVw884t 5Jf4cDLAe3QfRjG 4y6uwJg8BwIr2Lb 2pCX23ffwJ0yjGs Ptyzuaq2Alfl3QX AcMNGFzTNHjHfqY cvsoTrSMbyE3ssS A0k0zeRJQLoGOK4 DGkdltMXaQyXq9d zzbueCXCsIM1vYG vcy85vKuqM0ikoG caUNUuIVCc6FMs5 2JtadCtbVKyG8Wx Z4R672Fd71eDjCc lEtCdJlEAmEJePw ThkxVJutJt2R2Ce lKp9tEKmrx1jMWW V8hJNTaQGAfFDEB Unh8YasaV24NqAi GKSnstFWk3DYCxC lvws9js2jJ9OKeq 2mMgFmzEmCr99RW 2CrxZStPpB1iEDU d0Un7W7bnyo2KpV xqe8rCeHA6CUwVs 0XMmxPvU1Q0wp9A 0Jwxo5CY9QF5EJl yVwaXiVP2CKw2aH tqEE5yTp9OmpNF0 jFqgr8vHOjosPyL c3nke0S9QFjAxjt Dr6xwYpnASDr1l1 N96G3FB5iVYLFaz FkXGm7oQNTaDY8e OtHXQiXRhQY3PCi VIYYVhc9RExVnfX fvzgfgc5uSxUynD sPp4eq2rJXkX5. END SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE.

Let’s see how resilient this is, or if it breaks.

Woot! 😋

Much better! 🎉

Nope, that’s broken. Trying again:

BEGIN SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkBUqOhj jswhPYkyZTEUu5X o7Okqh4fYjSmiKh Jadku1SjBPAheqm o0RDUnaewjKUqE9 I3ZAB3Hyzfo1oea X7NqyjDTqSV4a4c RJhc3Zd2V40AXTK w7GsM8nn1eMviW9 CySVLa7QfT41v6l 78u7bxB2ETWLklN K0tbB4PApao5URL 8gNObm. END SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

Below a signed (https://keys.pub) message:

BEGIN SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkBUqOhj jswhPYkyZTEUu5X o7Okqh4fYjSmiKh Jadku1SjBPAheqm o0RDUnaewjKUqE9 I3ZAB3Hyzfo1oea X7NqyjDTqSV4a4c RJhc3Zd2V40AXTK w7GsM8nn1eMviW9 CySVLa7QfT41v6l 78u7bxB2ETWLklN K0tbB4PApao5URL 8gNObm. END SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.

I think it is long due dropping Facebook (now Meta) from the S&P 500 index funds. As an owner of some, I really have a problem with it—and yes, I know there is little I can do but voice it everywhere I make noise online.

Yup, jenny. She is so cool! 😋

My Friday has started. Now, what will I do with this much time?! LOL! Got to remember “dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas”. ⏳

It looks like the new MBP batteries are easily replaceable. That is positively, and absolutely, a very good news!

I would recommend a longer rotation, perhaps? The way I see it, you are proposing a monthly one. That can make metadata huge too. Maybe yearly, or every 6 months?

Boot media created. All set an ready for this weekend. Woot!

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Monterey.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/USBDrive

My nutritional supplements aim should be:

  • 1 or 1.5 cups of lentils (or any beans you might like better).
  • 2 or 2.5 cups of bitter greens.
  • 1 cup of your favourite protein (or an egg), grilled, or fried with a little of olive oil.
  • 1 or 2 tomatoes, or a handful if of the cherry type.
  • No added sugars. If it is sweet, make it have fibre.
  • No added salt (or very little and ionised), as salt is everywhere.

Related, I tried wild rice for the first time yesterday. It was different, in a good way.

LOL. Now I need to convince my boss. 😩

Went to sleep at 01:00, woke up at 06:30, having a really hard time keeping my eyes open, and there is still one more hour till calling it quits. Does being this sleepy counts as being sick?

Yes, I did ask whether or not it was possible to move twts to an “archive” folder, but it will be the same at @stackeffect experienced (which I have, too), that is, twts will “come back”.

There is no clear solution, I am afraid, right? It is the nature of the beast.

Standby BIG-IP F5s upgraded to TMOS 16.1 (LTS). All their pairs (now on standby) will be upgraded on Wednesday. Just giving the TMOS some time to settle down, and feel at home. Hahahaha!

Some signs from here: $ (one), $$ (two), $$$ (three).

The signs show fine on jenny. So, it is a display thing. Probably related to Markdown.

Got to love the sense of humour:

Blog.txt supports multiple options for the chronological order of posts. If you start writing new posts below old posts, the default post sort is descending. If you start writing new posts above all the old posts, like I do, then the post sort algorithm will default to ascending. But if the user would like to change the sort order of the posts, they can press the “End” button on their keyboard to reverse the default chronological order!

Temme about it! 🤪

Now, onto the real question: what to eat? Partner isn’t home, so zero nutritional supplements have been consumed, and I have been lazy enough not to go out to fetch me something. So… hmm, yeah. Going to an eight years old niece birthday “roller scatting” party in an hour, maybe I get lucky with a slice of pizza, or two. 🤣

Rule 299:

After you’ve exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it’s easier to exploit them next time.

Trump’s Group has 30 days to remedy the violation, or their rights in the software are permanently terminated. SF Conservancy

I am out of popcorn, but might need some for this. 😂

Keep in mind that there are plenty of icons already there, it is a quite busy “neighborhood”.

Validating the mention will be consuming, no? I mean, right now it takes a bit when clicking on the nick of an external user. Also, discovery occurs mostly by mentioning, yes? It seems a hard problem to solve.

It will only use the nick of the person to whom you are replying, no the occasional never ending chain link of nicks. 😄

Kind of a pickle. I would say, if the user isn’t following the feed, then @something and @something@example.com doesn’t get linked.


We should be able to remove those subject hashtags, they’re just noise.

Yes! I would say they are not even needed on the web UI. You click conversations, and that’s done by Yarn. No need for humans to see it.

We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced.

LOL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yeah, it is kind of rubbish. 😬

Aha! Cool! Not just deleting, but proceeding as if the twt is going to be send. If I :q! on vi it will add an empty line. If, instead, I go :x like I normally do, it works as you said—and as I wanted it. Thanks!

@movq OK, I am on request/question asking mode today. 😋 How do you cancel a twt, or a reply to a twt? Say I hit my reply, and then I change my mind? Right now, even exiting vi is creating an empty line on my twtxt.txt. Is there an obvious way to cancel a twt, reply, or fork that I am missing?


If Subject contains the full twt, then you can skim over conversations just by reading those lines in mutt’s index pager

Yes, I do the same, true.

So I decided: Okay, let’s have mutt do it.

And Mutt does it well. I agree it was/is a good idea.

The subject lines are already “compressed”

I noticed, yes.

I am not sure why I asked to begin with; in retrospect, in was a silly request. Perhaps the OCD in me got triggered while viewing rich headers, on a specific twt, when I saw the huge subject line that is, otherwise, always hidden.

Anyway, don’t mind me, move along. 😂

I find sleeping while storming the best sleep, and we have hurricanes passing by, or near by, almost every year.

It is still too early, and too few of us. Give it some time, and your wife might revise her statement. 😂

Sounds like a good plan. It is, of course, up to the Master Crafter. 😋

Jenny populates Mutt’s subject with the entire twt. That makes for very, very long subject lines.

@movq would it be possible to trim the subject to, say, 100 or 140 characters? Just the subject.

Indeed, it is a fairly common “disease”. 🤣

I prefer darch’s one.


now Apache also announces content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Well, that fixed things. 🥳

Bottomline, twtxt is a poor’s man email system. 🤣

No worries, I understood you perfectly. My reply was merely a commentary, because some here—specially the youth, and I have a 20 years old son—think that the vaccine makes the 100% impervious, and thus behave pretty stupidly.

I am the one in charge of bringing food, and helping the elderly in the family, so I take super extra precautions… for their sake.

I still worry, perhaps a little less. But I still take precautions. For me, and for others. I mean, you might have a bullet proof vest, but even so, would you actively seek to get shot?

Is it me, or Gmail’s web interface is going down the drain? Using Safari—my default browser—often takes two, or three clicks to open an email. If it weren’t because its search is amazing, I would never visit its web interface.

Google or (insert your favourite search engine here) have never let me down. Also, Youtube has repair guides, and HOWTOs for just about anything, and everything.

I really do not understand anyone not willing to get vaccinated. It is just plain stupid.

I am seeing this characters on your twts: )?â\200¨â\200¨. Which client are you using?

With those two (Message-ID, and In-Reply-To) the hashing could become superfluous, and no longer needed. I would vote for that!


and the little cricket story stays there forever.


I replied to the one he originally sent (and later edited, so it was deleted). That’s probably what happened.

A twtxt client would be nice! Or a very simple cgi script to print twts to web nicely—not a second Yarn, just something to show twts in a pretty form on the web.

Just like your highschool girlfriend in Afghanistan “doesn’t need saving”, right? I think it is a language issue you are having, as English isn’t your mother tongue.

QAnon followers are cultist nuts. Some of them wanting out are finding that it is a hard thing to do (did you read the article?). Saying that “they don’t need to escape” is a silly thing to say, at the very least. To me, it just doesn’t make sense.

‘Trump filed a lawsuit Monday in DC District Court against the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection and the National Archives in an effort to keep records from his presidency secret by claiming executive privilege.’ — CNN Politics

That only increases one’s curiosity about what’s in them.

Fair enough, I will modify my cron job to match. When I come across edited twts, I just delete both knowing jenny will fetch the right one next iteration. I like keeping things tidy. 😊

I really would like to know the logic behind that reasoning.

Are those the kind of things people usually talk to each other when they meet on Tinder? Asking for a friend. 🤣

📖 “When no appropriate rule applies, make one up.” Good morning! Lovely morning in Ferenginar today.

@movq what is your cron job repeat time for jenny? Currently I have mine to every minute, and while it allows me to participate fairly quick on conversations it has some drawbacks: it captures every single edited twt, so I end up with seemingly the same twt, but not quite—as it has minor edits, etc. So, “repeats”. Perhaps setting cron to check every 5 minutes or so is best?

Entering a plain URL on feeds.twtxt.net renders a 500. Like entering ckunte.net gets 500, but http://ckunte.net doesn’t. 🤌🏻

Seems like you need to make your parser smarter. Go tinker! 😋

RSS links are archaic. Clients discover them if properly linked, they do not need to be human visible.

Now, if there is going to be some sort of price, which for me equals to profit, then I will twt non-stop until I hit it! 🤣

You are the most active of us all, so, probably you. 😜

They are new MBPs, with two screen sizes, not new screen sizes 😊. 14" and 16". Both can be configured with the M1MAX, but having that SoC automatically bumps the RAM to 32GB, making them somewhat pricey.

Oh wow, that second one! 😍

It is a lovely view! That’s home office, or work office? I am hoping the second, though I do not know Norway’s days and nights well. I know that Sweden can get pretty dark, or pretty light, for long periods of time.

Not anymore 😭. I still have a self-propelled one, and electric, which is very nice. But when you live under an almost constant 32-35℃, with super high humidity, you cease liking working outside pretty quick.

Just as jlj, that is exactly what I meant. Good point, Lyse!

LOL. Some days I feel like Forrest Gump, wanting to mow just for fun. Others is a chore. The other are way more frequent than the some. LOL.

You can get an Air for $1,000 (or $1,200 with 16GB). I have used it (with 8GB), and that machine flies. I can’t imagine how fast one with an M1MAX will feel.

No new iMacs, or Mac minis. I really wanted a new iMac with the new SoC, and a bigger screen. Not this time. 😩

Up to 64GB RAM! 😮

Got to dash now, my turn to speak at my meeting. 😩

Very thin display. I mean, really, really thin. 🤔

They come with a notch now, but with bigger screen real estate. It really is a new design.

The touch bar is gone.

They look lovely! 😍

New MBPs. Two screen sizes.

Companies talking about their product line, and what the are doing to take advantage of the new SoC: speed, performance, etc.

Universal apps will be made to run on iOS/iPadOS, and macOS. Create once, run on all.

Now talking about Apps, and how they can take advantage of the new SoCs.

Now talking about macOS on Apple Silicone, and how the OS takes advantage of what the M1MAX has to offer.

The GPU that comes in the SoC seems incredible, even hard to believe. Apple is doing magic here.

Look at the specs on Apple. Jaw dropping.

Two new chips! M1MAX too! Oh wow!

Other CPU and SoC makers should get even more scared now. If you have used a machine with an M1, you know it is awesome. A better M1PRO is hard to imagine, truly.

M1 is great, and it is coming to even more systems. Specifically talking about the MBP: the M1PRO. It is the next SoC on the M1 family.

Now, let’s talk about the Mac.

Third generation of AirPods. So, new AirPods. Read more at Apple. 😂

Spatial audio will get even bigger. Talking about it, and how awesome it is—and it is!

Now talking about AirPods.

Now talking about HomePod Mini. Not interested, sorry.

New subscription plan for Apple Music: Voice Plan. Available for many countries. Using Siri to access songs. Meh.

Talking about Apple Music and Siri.

Today is about music, and Mac. Now we know.

And here comes Tim on the field outside of the Spaceship.

Everything starts in a garage… the history of Macs, pretty much, with music.

Apple Event for 18 October 2021, 10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT begins. Commentary will stream as replies to this twt. I might miss things here and there, as I will also be on a work meeting from 13:00 to 14:00 EDT.

Apple Store online down before today’s event. Less than two hours till it goes live!

While at it, fix this one too? You have me at netbros.com, but I am somewhere else. 😆

  • Lawn mowed, edged, trimmed, and blown.
  • Driveway and sidewalks pressured washed.
  • Weed killer sprayed.

Mission accomplished. I feel like watching “The Hijacker Guide to the Galaxy”. Let’s see which streaming service is offering it for free, or for rent.

Wow! For any country such flooding would be devastating, but Germany isn’t used (doesn’t see) to that kind of flooding, correct?

There is still no estimate of when this infrastructure could work again.

Oh dear… 😞

I see the dilemma. It doesn’t allow you to pick, and change, ports, right? Whoever built this is not thinking at scale.

Meanwhile I only restart my iPhone when an iOS update is available, which normally happens every 4-5 months or so, or more. 😋

Oh, OK, then not touching it. I will consider it part of history and, thus, unchangeable. 😊

I noticed that too, but it precedes the latest build.

There is, at least, one already🇮🇳.

Note taken. Thank you!

An estimated 6.8 million fewer female births will be recorded across India by 2030 because of the persistent use of selective abortions, researchers estimate. — The Guardian

And from the same article:

India’s skewed ratio of men to women – currently between 900-930 females per 1,000 males – reflects India’s ingrained attitude towards girls. Boys are seen as breadwinners while girls are seen as a burden across every social class. Boys are more likely to receive more nutritious food and better medical care than girls.

That is just beyond sad.

How do you handle upgrades like this on your pod? Do you keep a diff of your customisations, or is it all a manual process?

It looks like BBB has many moving parts. Of all, I hate Tomcat the most. 😬

Are all minimum requirements met? All pre-install checks performed? Install steps carefully read, and checked, one more time?

You are making me want to visit Norway! I would have gone long ago if it weren’t because of my partner, she can’t handle the cold. Maybe I just need to leave her behind! 🤣

What would the best time to visit be?

The features that macOS Monterey will bring, albeit minor, will made for a better “quality of living”. I am looking forward to Notes, and the iCloud+ integration (Private Relay, Hide My Email). It also bring macOS cohesively close to iOS. My work 2015 iMac and M1 Mini will get it, so looking forward to it!

Your avatar is healthy on your pod now. Still doesn’t show well on twtxt.net, but it is just a matter of time now (caching, etc.), it is all good. 🎉

Do I need to do a search and replace on my feed to fix old entries? Thanks for quick fix!

I spent a couple of hours today looking for interesting people to follow, and subsequently engage with, on twtxt without much luck. Finding twtxt.txt files is easy. Finding them active, or talking about interesting things is the challenge.

Hmm, that’s pretty low! But I had my coffee long ago, though it is still 19:26 in your past. 😂

Let’s make it four! 😋

Sorry! 🙈

Ah, I see! The format (or specification) for the twtxt.txt file hasn’t changed as of late, right?

Yup, it works great! I understand many people will not take my approach, and that’s fine with me. ☺️

I am noticing that Yarn doesn’t treat “outside” (that is, twts coming from a client other than Yarn) twts hashes right. Two examples:

There are many more, but those two will give you the gist. Yarn links the hash to the poster’s twtxt.txt, so conversation matching will not work.

Oof! I found a bug on Yarn’s Markdown rendering, @prologic. See OP.

@movq, would you know the regex to use within .muttrc to colorise a Markdown code block like the one below?

# This one works for `code`, but that's about it.

Having used—and still using—1Password (a password manager) for many years, I have gone through a few stages of disliking/frustration with it. The first was when subscriptions were set in place, the second is now, with their approach for auto-filling under iOS. It is, more often than I would like to, telling me to configure it when I did so from day one. My open support ticket isn’t going too far either.

I wish iCloud KeyChain would mimic some of its features, so I can just dump it. KeyChain has improved a lot, now allowing OTP to be saved with a credential, but it is still not quite there yet.

It work like a bliss, and it is exactly what I wanted. I don’t often see the need to use new lines but having the ability to do so add richness to the whole experience. Thank you very much, again, for listening and implementing this!

This will be the last entry on this conversation (hopefully!):

echo "hello world"

The end!

@movq Awesome! About to git pull, and check it out. Thanks!

@prologic You will have to agree that always using reply (like I am doing on this one) loses everything on translation after the third or fourth replies. It simply doesn’t promote engagement. On top of that, all replies show on the timeline as well, without much—to none—context.

@prologic I know, because fork makes it 100% sure to know who is replying to whom. Just like email’s in-reply-to does (plus the message-id).

@prologic Make it fill in mentions? Problem solved. 😊

@prologic What if the reply does what fork does, for any replies to the top post, but not the top post itself? You know, like email does. Other than to reply to the top post (for which I use reply), I don’t use reply but fork, to reply to posts underneath because it is the logical thing to do.

@lyse Unless you are stripping stuff on your twts, there is no much to implement. Things will be bold , italics , underlined , and so on, on a client that can render them. Since jenny uses Mutt, I can use my own regex in it to color them as I like. That’s pretty much it.

@quark How about code? (this is mostly to configure mutt?)

Testing this here now

The official Wizard of New Zealand, perhaps the only state-appointed wizard in the world, has been cast from the public payroll, spelling the end to a 23-year legacy. — The Guardian

So, he was… a mascot?

@prologic I am thinking on calling in sick to work. 😂 Every time I order an iPhone, I take the day off on delivery day. On Apple events I normally use my lunch and break times all combined, to watch them.

Apple’s event on Monday is bringing, as always, speculation to the table. One thing most outlets seem to agree is the introduction of an “M1X” chip, thought Apple might call it differently. M1X might also mean, M1(we don’t know what comes after, or next generation). Either way, I would really like to see the return of the 27" iMac, but I will not hold my breath. Nevertheless, Monday is going to be an exciting day for many, including me! 🍎

@eldersnake There isn’t an equivalent for those because:

Markdown is not a replacement for HTML, or even close to it. Its syntax is very small, corresponding only to a very small subset of HTML tags.

You can read more of its philosophy at Daring Fireball. There are enhancements to Markdown (CommonMark, for example), that add extra to it.

@prologic That was ducking fast! 🚅

@prologic Oh, I see (no pun intended). Have you checked https://tailwindcss.com? Looks amazing!

@movq This is a sentence. This is one under it (single return). And another (single return).

And a paragraph (double return).

@movq 🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♂️

@movq LOL. As someone with OCD, I can relate completely. When I set to do “slight” modifications to a stylesheet, boy… often a start over is best, to eliminate commit spam.

@prologic Look on the web interface. Goryon needs work, but you mentioned that before.

@movq Goryon parsing is broken. Yarn shows it as I see it on jenny. Exactly the same.

@movq Nice! I am git pulling right after this. 🙈

@movq Yes! 🥳 🎉

@prologic I knew you were short sided from day one I saw Yarn. On desktop everything is huge, and I assumed it was to cater short-sightedness. Also, you have enabled underlines on buttons on iOS, bold and bigger fonts, etc., so that was also a give away. Sorry if I digress, but, glasses wouldn’t help? I have to wear mine all the time, otherwise I am also near blind myself!

@movq To clarify, Markdown is just text. 😊 I can do bolding, link things, and if single return multilines ever comes to jenny, I would be able to do bulleted and numbered lists.

Headings are OK too

The only things—that I know of—that doesn’t work is “> “, but I can use “>”, like so:


So, jenny allows me to write Markdown almost just fine!

If I worked for Apple, and had decision making on acquisitions, I would buy Lux, the makers of Halide. I mean, look at this!

@quark Pinging @movq, in case it is a bug.

@quark >This works…

Now, if I use “>” (without the quotes) with a space after it, and then text, the entire line gets omitted.

Testing, will delete.



She is beyond saving. 🤣

@adi Oh boy… we don’t want to go down that route. There is plenty to know about the Taliban, not just from the news but from people who lived—and still lives—under their “governance”; all of which is, I am afraid, much more accurate than your highschool girlfriend story telling.

@lyse Are they your goats? They look so cute, and clean, almost unreal! Where I live it is an eternal sunshine, it might fool you into believing it is paradise, until you steam, toast, and burn. 🤣

Boy, do I love jenny/latest, and Neomutt! 😊


Only thing jenny is missing, to be completely happy, @movq already knows about. 🙈

@movq I remember that time. I built my own mess, then used someone else’s mess (WordPress). I then switched to Jekyll when Tom released it, then to Hugo, which I use today. I also love static web stuff!

@lyse That is the way it should be! 😊

@movq This is my env, on language:




I had to explicitly set it on the cron job to make jenny work.

@movq Yup. Added all the language ones, and bam, working like a charm!

@movq But it makes sense, right? I spend way too much time trying to figure out who replied to whom. I treat twts replies as emails, pretty much.

@movq I would not mind keeping a diff, if you tell me where to make the changes! I know nothing of Python, and I have spent already a couple of hours trying to make sense. I know it is there, in front of me, if only I knew Python. 😩

@movq Is there a way to make it take single returns, @movq, or is that a technical infeasibility?

@movq I no longer see dups! 🎉 🥳

@quark And don’t miss its song. You will be in for a treat!

OpenBSD 7.0, get it while is hot, folks! 🐡

@adi iOS. Give it a try, and you will not come back. 👌🏻

Everybody is building one because, you know, why not? Why I built my own static site generator.

@lyse … It’s the cloud. ☺️

Testing… breaking things?

  • One - Two - Three

@adi Nothing shows, mate. It is all broken. 🙁

@quark If so, @movq, not quite https://www.uninformativ.de/git/jenny/commit/4a02eeec58317107c07e759733312d168e319f17.html#h0-0-5… Markdown needs single new lines for many things. Bulleted, numbered, code, etc. need them.

@lyse Yup, I did. I setup the three of them: LC_ALL, LANGUAGE, and LANG. Working as intended now, beautifully! Thank you!

@lyse I think that was it, mate! 🎉 I was calling . $HOME/.bashrc on the cron job line, but was missing some extra LANG ones. Let’s see how it goes now.

@quark I mean, if LANG=en_US.UTF-8 were a problem, it wouldn’t run manually, right? Or is it that the variable isn’t defined under cron?

@lyse Yes, I have LANG=en_US.UTF-8 on my system. So, it is not that it can’t find the config?

@quark This doesn’t occurs when run manually. What could it be?

@movq I am getting this when I run it on cron (extra lines in between becuase otherwise jenny will make them a mash):

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/home/quark/jenny/jenny”, line 565, in

if not retrieve_all(config):

File “/home/quark/jenny/jenny”, line 373, in retrieve_all


File “/home/quark/jenny/jenny”, line 294, in refresh_self

process_feed(config, config[‘self_nick’], config[‘self_url’], content)

File “/home/quark/jenny/jenny”, line 280, in process_feed


File “/usr/lib/python3.8/encodings/iso8859_15.py”, line 19, in encode

return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]

UnicodeEncodeError: ‘charmap’ codec can’t encode character ‘\U0001f4e3’ in position 31: character maps to

@lyse Hmm, weird, it loads fine for me. Not logged in, “anonymous” upload, no cookies.

@quark Hmm, new messages are not duplicated, because cron is every 5 minutes.

Test to generate more logging.

@quark Aha! @movq, there has to be a blank line in between?

So, first multi-line test, because I coudn’t wait. 😄

  • One line - Two lines - Three lines


  1. One line 2. Two lines 3. Three lines

@movq OK, will work on it tonight. Thank you!

@movq OMG! OMG! Getting it, where, where, how? 😂

@movq Yup, that is exactly what I experienced. Well, I still have plenty of space. LOL.

@movq 12,342 twts, totalling 6.2 MB. Would deleting help, or will they come back? I guess there is one way to find out! 😄

@adi How very odd!

@adi Are you sure? You mean, it will not compile, or something else?

@movq I hear you. I am very selective of who to follow. I mean, I would drop @prologic, which is the noisiest one, but he is the boss, and if I want to interact–even once or twice a week–I must follow him. 🤣

@movq, how do you handle twts in Mutt? I mean, how do you organise, or manage the inmense amount that comes throught? Do you delete/trim? Move things to folders? Or simply keep that huge (12,000+ for me now) list?

@prologic You linked to the German version. 🤣

@adi It is on, alright. 🙂

@prologic Excellent, nothing broke. I think what happened was you replied to a twt that I was in the process of editing.

@prologic, please reply to this, to test something.

@quark By the way, you reply did not showed as a reply to a conversation on jenny this time. I wonder is something broke with the latest changes.

@prologic Works permit, I will probably be twting about it. I try not to miss one single event. 

“Join us for a special event.” Unleashed 😯

@movq Sure thing, mate! I do not discount that it could be something stupid I am doing. My list of those is large, and rich. 🤣

Is it Friday yet? I feel this week is as slow as a drying paint on wall, and it is only Tuesday! I know I should not want time to pass quick, as that get us closer to the inevitable, but geez!

@lyse That is correct, you can unfollow/unsubscribe it.

@prologic Would that allow screensharing? The idea is to screenshare.

@lyse Oooooh! The makes sense on the mentioning of her being Romanian. 🙂 Thanks for clarifying that, I would have never gotten it.

@movq @movq, if you want/can I can send you a Zoom link to test it interactively!

@prologic You got it! 👏🏻 Yarn is truly getting there!

@prologic Yup, the other one is simply legacy, gone, finito. 🤣

@prologic This is messy. @prologic, you are replying to quark@ferengi.one but using @quark@twtxt.netbros.com instead. I know part of it is my fault, but there has to be a better way to avoid all this.

@laz I think on Yarn you can block. That would be the only viable option here. Not that elegant, but I don’t see any other way.

@laz You can delete quark, and rename/refollow quark2 as quark. The other isn’t coming back. I am the only Ferengi around here… for now. We are always expanding, following our very wise “Rules of Acquisition”. 😂

@adi I don’t remember. I knew about twtxt for a long time. I often seek information about microblogs, and I believe I came across Yarn while browsing the Tubes.

What to watch tonight? “Squid Game” completed. “Seinfeld” just made it in a couple of days ago, maybe I will reminisce old memories and watch it. I first watched it in 1995-ish.

@prologic I changed base URL (like, completely), but I am still honouring the old one, pointing it to the new one with 301. Maybe that’s what’s happening with the older posts. I could drop out the 301 completely, but that will break following, right?

I wonder how can I set, on Mutt, a shorter subject (elipsed) on the status bar, while reading a email (or a twt).

@adi Yes, it did—at least I don’t see the same issue as before on twtxt.net. Weird, as it was never an issue on other pods. 🤷🏻‍♂️

@prologic Hopefully this URL change fixes things. Otherwise I am lost; don’t know what’s going on. 😩

Well, I have changed URLs, so this post might not get through, or break follows, or break everything. So, yeah.

@jlj LOL, thanks! I have always been a fan of the Ferengi, and Quark, in particular. I think only Rom gets closer to him.

@movq Awesome! 🙇🏻‍♂️

@quark Answering to myself: it doesn’t. @movq, would that be something that it could be added?

How would jenny handle multiline twts? Let’s find out! - One - Two - Three And: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three

@prologic This is what I have been trying to tell you. The issue doesn’t occurr on https://tt.vltra.plus (which is now down), nor did it show on my own Yarn pod (now down too). It is only happening on https://twtxt.net.

@movq Perfect! Setting the display_filter did the trick. I have come across that SE yesterday while looking for answers, but I wanted to make sure there was nothing else I was missing to notice. Thanks! @quark (#spngeda) Hmm, that’s mostly an issue of how mutt displays the Date header. The index should already display local time, only the pager shows the raw header: https://movq.de/v/8c92fff081/s.png To be honest, I’d like to keep it that way (i.e., Date stores the original stamp as it occured in the twtxt feed). To convince mutt to show local time here, you’d probably have to use display_filter: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/516101

@movq I will re-enable the cron job, test again, and provide the information. The twts that were showing duplicated are those I have sent. When it occurred, I noticed the Message-Ids were different.

@movq 🎉 Happy anniversary!

Upgrading load balancers. This is always done with extreme care, but also with fingers crossed while wearing my lucky undergarment. 😂

@movq, what will I need to do so that the timestamp for twts reflects local time. Right now it is UTC. Can it be done, or is that something from the twtxt spec?

@quark I have removed the cron job, and added jenny -f to the small script that starts mutt with the .muttrc-jenny file. That way when I open, it refresh the feed before. Let’s see how it goes.

Seeing repeated twts again. Only thing I am doing different is running jenny every 5 minutes on a cron job. I really don’t know what to think.

Oh, crap, the weekend is gone—and it was a three days weekend for me! Tomorrow back to the hammer, while wife enjoys her Columbus Day off. 😤

@movq I got it! I had jenny under my ~/.local/bin/, and didn’t realised the one on the repo changed. D’oh! I am symlinking it now, so this doesn’t happen again. I love autocomplete!

@movq I am on the South East US.

@movq I did a git pull but that isn’t pulling jenny-posting.eml. Am I missing something?

@movq I followed the README instructions.

@movq “Option completefunc is not set” is the exact message I am getting.

@movq I am getting an error with “completfunc” as being undefined. What could it be?

Hmm… “completefunc” is not set.

@movq This is awesome! Your server/connection is slow, thought. It took ages to load the GIF! Off topic, what font are you using on that screenshot?

@movq I noticed that if I ran jenny -f on a cron job, and kept mutt open, messages will get duplicated (same message, time, different message-id). I run it now on a small script before opening mutt.

@movq Ah, I see. I mean, it is not biggie, as normally I just reply to people, so that part works beautifully. A vi/vim script would work, but it is not universal. What if I use joe, or Emacs, or nano? Meh, jenny is awesome as is, thank you for it! ☺️

@adi Hi there! 👋🏻You are the first one replying to twt on this feed, thank you! I shall reward you with season’s symbols: 🍁🍂

@adi Good morning! 👋🏻

Trying to troubleshoot twtxt. On twtxt.net, discovery shows my follows linked to https://twtxt.netbros.com/, which is nothing (not even an index.html running there), while on arrakis.netbros.com shows my follows linked to https://twtxt.netbros.com/twtxt.txt (using yarns links too) which is right.

@prologic how can you keep up with that inmense “follow” list you carry? 🥵

It looks like @movq isn’t too active these days. This little piece of software is pretty neat!

I need someone with a nice, and clean twtxt.txt feed. One that doesn’t include much–if any–images, and in which twts have more content. Just looking to see how formatting is handled in jenny and how to tweak it to my liking.

I might have figure out what was causing duplicated entries here. I think running jenny -f while mutt is open was causing it. I have disabled the cron job, and it doesn’t seem to be happening anymore. Let’s see how accurate my theory is. 😂

👋🏻 hello world… again!

@movq is there a better way to mention others while using jenny?